Esther de Pommery foundation - New Future Foundation

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Jordan, Distribution of toys

Dear Esther, 

Please see below a few photos of very happy children at Al Hussein Society receiving toys from the very big amount that we received from the Swiss Red Cross thanks to your kind efforts ! 
This was the first distribution which will shortly and gradually be followed by distributions around the country, esp to Syrian and Palestinian refugee children but also to orphanages and government schools and  nurseries in the poorest areas of Jordan.
We will of course keep you posted !

With deep appreciation dear Esther,  to You and to all those in charge at the head quarter of the Swiss Red Cross, 

Love and warm regards, 

Thank You Letter Mayor of Smolyan, Bulgaria

Attached thank-you letter from the Mayor of Smolyan, Mr. Nikolay Melemb, for the donation of medical beds and toys.

Mayor of Smolyan, 
Mr. Nikolay Melemb

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Trucks to Bulgaria

Toys/beds/ wheelchairs/hospital damp ironing machine/ hospital laundry/Kitchen equipment/ special clothes.

Friday, 22 February 2019

JORDAN Refugees Children (Toys)

Swiss Red Cross Donation
To Esther de Pommery Fondation  for 
Jordan Royal Palace 
Refugees Children's Project